In 1935, when Italy invaded Ethiopia, Mexico was one of only five member states in the League of Nations to condemn the invasion and refuse to recognize Italy’s rule. The government of Mexico later named a traffic circle and metro stop in Mexico City, Plaza Etiopia. In 1957, Ethiopia renamed Maichew Square in Addis Ababa, Mexico Square. Today, in the ever-expanding Addis Ababa, many people would say that Mexico Square is still center city. 

Mexico! Mexico! That’s the sound of the wayalas in Addis gathering people off the streets and into the bus. Mexico! Mexico! They scream, heading towards Mexico square. 

My hermanito always called Azla an art project. It will go wherever the story takes you. Wherever the journey takes us. 

Mexico! Mexico! 

Azla started in the Mercado la Paloma in downtown Los Angeles where Gloria, Eva, Gilberto Sr. and Jr., Raul and his entire family showed us care and kindness, where they taught us respect for food. Their labor was one of love. 

Mexico! Mexico! 

A love story. 9 years into Azla, we’re calling Mexico! Mexico! It feels at times like the world is broken and the cracks are both wounds and spaces for light. We’re peeking through those cracks, trying something different, seeing how we can make something beautiful. It’s been quite a time and we’re pulling on our history, our remembrances, our relationships and our curiosity to know more. We’re guided by these inspirations to make a shift in our offering. 

We’re thinking of that bond made nearly 100 years ago. We’re thinking of the children of that time finding themselves together in LA today. About all of the places we’ve eaten, all of the homes we’ve visited, the conversations we’ve had, the friendships we’ve been blessed with. We’re thinking about street vendors, about those who do food for a living. We’re thinking about Addis and Gonder and Dembiya and Mexico City. About colors and light and life. We’re inspired by joy and fun and freedom and nuestra mamá también.

Mexico! Mexico! We’re calling out like the wayalas, get on the bus, Ethiopia and Mexico!!


Exquisite hand-made Ethiopian vegan food from Azla vegan. Co-founder Nes and her mother Azla throw down with delicious food and warm vibes all around.
— Ava DuVernay, Award Winning Filmmaker
Modern. Ethiopian. Vegan. First stop after leaving LAX was Azla Vegan Ethiopian Restaurant. Delicious Food. Nesanet, the owner and her mother, the head chef, are beautiful people!
— Bryant Terry, Author and Food Justice Activist


4309 Leimert Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90008



Tues - Sat

11 am - 7 pm


(323) 596-3028